Amazing Phuket from $1195 for 8 nights!
The latest deal from our friends at Asia Specialist Holidays takes from you Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane to Phuket Thailand, including airfares, transfers, accommodation and daily breakfasts.
Interview with a Global Volunteer: GVI's Erica Louise
This week we interviewed Erica Louise, the Australasian Regional Manager for Global Vision International. We wanted to find out what made people volunteer, what kind of placements were available for prospective volunteers and what kinds of experiences awaited them.
The Nightmare Before Christmas
It's the constant queuing that really starts to get to you. You arrive at the airport to find 10,000 of your closest friends all trying to check in. You make it through that, and they've all beaten you to the security check. Then there's another interminable wait to have your passport checked, and a two-hour wander through crappy duty-free stores before you can eventually board your flight. And waiting for you at the other end? A queue for customs and immigration that look like people trying to get out of a Celine Dion concert.
Fantastic New York tours from Moose Network
The Moose Network have sent us details of their upcoming New York trips for 2008 which will add to their already extensive Canadian tours which run from the awesome Rockies right across to the French part of Eastern Canada.
Global Vision International in Thailand
It is difficult to know where to start because in the past 10 weeks I have had the most amazing time and sooo many experiences. One of the best things about this expedition in Thailand is that you do things and see things that you would never see if you were travelling with friends or alone. You are completely immersed in the culture and you experience the real Thailand, as opposed to experiencing the tourist side of things.
Interview with a Legal Alien: Colin from Scotland
This week we interviewed Colin Neville-Roberts, a 31 year old immigrant to Australia from Scotland, who is now living in Sydney. We wanted to get a perspective of what Australia is like for people who emigrate here, what motivated them to make the move, and also what they are missing from their homeland.
Saturday 15th December 2007: Thailand Specials, Interviews, New York Tours, Christmas Travel and Volunteering all this week at Aussie Escape